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Save Time and Money by Eliminating Stripping and Crimping

Suitable for hobby, models, science and other projects.

Suitable for hobby, models, science and other projects.

Suitable for hobby, models, science and other projects.

Suitable for hobby, models, science and other projects.

Keeps Rasberry Pi Running 30°F cooler

Keeps Rasberry Pi Running 30°F cooler

Great for stacking Arduino or OSEPP Shields

Great for stacking Arduino or OSEPP Shields

8 Pin female header with extra long legs

Made for Arduino Uno R3 or OSEPP Uno R3 Plus or other similar boards

Suitable for hobby, models, science and other projects.

Suitable for hobby, models, science and other projects.

Suitable for hobby, models, science and other projects.

Same as a regular breadboard except that it is clear. 

Accepts a variety of wire sizes (20-29 AWG)

Accepts a variety of wire sizes (20-29 AWG)

Standard break away headers but longer

Use with custom PCBs or general custom headers

Ceramic Capacitor Assortment Kit, 35 x 15 different values (525 total)

This ultimate 2 ply conductive thread is thin, strong, and smooth making it ideal for all wearable and e-textile projects.

Ideal for connecting power supply with barrel jack to breadboard

Ideal for connecting bare wires to an Arduino or a development board

Electrolytic Capacitor Assortment Kit, 24 different values (500 total)

Mates well with break away male headers

Suitable for hobby, models, science and other projects.

Great for any project that requires color changing LEDs that cycles quickly. 

Great for any project that requires color changing LEDs that cycles slowely. 

LM35 Temperature sensor uses the LM35 integrated circuit. Can be used in numerous weather detection applications for home automation / weather monitoring.

Compatible with Arduino and OSEPP Proto Shield

Suitable for hobby, models, science and other projects.

Suitable for hobby, models, science and other projects.

The Light sensor is able to detect variations in light conditions. The input readings of light are directly proportional to the light sensors output voltage.

Great as a tactile reset switch!

Five each of Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, and White.

Better heat dissipation than standard aluminum

Ceramic Capacitor Assortment Kit, 35 x 15 different values (525 total)

Suitable for hobby, models, science and other projects.

The Servo Power Board allows you to cleanly isolate current and voltage from your receiver to protect the tiny traces within from burning out.

The Servo Power Board allows you to cleanly isolate current and voltage from your receiver to protect the tiny traces within from burning out.

The Servo Power Board allows you to cleanly isolate current and voltage from your receiver to protect the tiny traces within from burning out.

The Servo Power Board allows you to cleanly isolate current and voltage from your receiver to protect the tiny traces within from burning out.

Suitable for hobby, models, science and other projects. Same as regular breadboard but you get to choose your own size.

Suitable for hobby, models, science and other projects.

Suitable for hobby, models, science and other projects. Same as regular breadboard with the same connections to pins and power rails.

Suitable for hobby, models, science and other projects.

Applicable for various projects

Suitable for hobby, models, science and other projects.