The OSEPP I²C Expansion Shield is an Arduino-Compatible daughter (extension) card. It provides easy interconnection with other I²C devices, such as the OSEPP Sensor Modules family. As well, it integrates an I²C switch that provides 4 additional isolated I²C buses to enable the use without collisions of multiple I²C devices with same I²C addresses. The main I²C bus and each of the 4 additional I²C bus are brought out to a robust latchable 4-pin connector that allow easy plug and play functionality.
- 1-to-4 I²C switch to provide four isolated I²C buses
- Stackable with other Arduino and Arduino Compatible shields
- Provides pass through of all I/O as well as reset button and ICSP connector.
- Three selectable address bits for I²C switch to allow stacking of up to eight Shields
- Supports boards with the Arduino Shield interface, such as (but not limited to):
- Duemilanove
- Uno
- Pro
- Bluetooth
- Mega/Mega 2560
- Works with 3.3 V and 5 V boards
- Plug and play I²C connectors that provide I²C, power, and ground signals
I²C Addresses (7-bit) | 0x70, 0x71, 0x72, 0x73, 0x74, 0x75, 0x76, 0x77 |
Form Factor | 53.3 mm x 68.6 mm |
Power Consumption | 0.1 mW |
Connector Pin Definition | Pin 1: Power Pin 2: I2C Data Pin 3: Ground Pin 4: I2C Clock |
Downloads |
OSEPP™ I²C Expansion Shield Schematic | ![]() |
Texas Instruments PCA9546A 4-Channel I²C Switch Data Sheet (PDF) | ![]() |
Stock Code | Product Name |
I2CSHD-01 | OSEPP™ I²C Expansion Shield |